Law Assist Group

Family Law Resources

The following resources were compiled by Sheldon Tenenbaum of Tenenbaum & Solomon.


Family Law Act

Family Law Rules

Child Support Guidelines

Divorce Act and Regulations

Child and Family Services Act


Forms and Guides

Ontario Government Family Law Site

Court Forms

“What you should know about family law”

Changing of name - Site to help in changing name of you or your child

Consent to Travel With Children

Copy of Marriage Certificate



Legal Aid Ontario - Site includes useful services for family matters

LAO Family Law Clinic Locations

Ontario Association on Family Mediation
not-for-profit association promoting family mediation as a dispute resolution process for separating couples and for families in conflict

Paternity / Drug-Alcohol testing / Polygraph

Private Investigation and Security

Lawyers Referral Service (free)

Family Responsibility Office (FRO)



After the affiar by Janis Arahams Spring (with michael Spring). Harper Collins Publishes, 1996

Contemplating Divorice:  A step by step guide to deciding whether to saty or go. By susan Pease Gadoua, New Harbinger Publications, 2008

The D-Word: Divorce through a Child’s eyes by Tara Eisenhard,, 2012
Divorce Poison: Protecting the Parent-Child from a Vindictive Ex by Richard A. Warhsak, Harper Paperbacks, 2003

Divorce Poison: How to Protect your family from Bad-mouthing and Brainwashing by Richard A. Warshak, William Morrow Paperbacks, 2010

An elephant in the Living room: The Childern’s Book by Jill M. Hastings and Marion H. Typoo, Hazelden Foundation,1994

A Family’s Heartbreak: A Parent’s Introduction to Parential Alienation by Michael Jeffries (Joel Davies), A Family’s Hearbreak, LLC 2009

For Teenagers Living with a Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs by Edith Lynn Hornik-Beer,,2001

Getting Divorced wihout Ruining Your Life: A reasoned, Practical Guide to the Legal, Emotional and Financial Ins and Outs of Negotiating a Divorice Settlement by Sam Margulies, Simon & Schuster, 2001

The Good Karma Divorce: Avoid Litigation, Turn Negative Eomotions into Postitive Actions, and Get On with the Rest of Your Life by Michele Lowrance, Harper One, 2010

Helping Your kids Cope with Divorce the Sandcastles Way by M. Gary Neuman (with Patricia Romanowski), Times Books 1998

How to Heal a Broken Heart in 30 Days: A day-by-day Guide to Saying Good-bye and Getting on Your Life by Howard Bronson and Mike Riley, Broadway Books, 2002

I can Talk about What Hurts: A book for Kids in Homes Where There’s chemical dependency by Janet Sinsberg and Dennis Daley, Hazelden 1989

My Dad Loves Me, My Dad Has a Disease: A Child’s View: Living with Addiciton by Claudia Black, Mac Publishing, 1997

The Smart Divorce: Proven Strategies and Valuable Advice from 100 Top Divorc e Lawters, Financial Adivsers, Coucnselors, and Other Experts by Deborah Moskovitch, Chicago Review Press, 2007

Stepmonster: A New Look at Why Real Stepmothers Think, Feel, and Act the Way We Do by Wednesday Martin, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009

A Terrible Thing Happened : A Story For Childern Who Have Witnessed Violence Or Trauma by Margaret M. Holmes(Illustrated by Cary Pillo), Magination Press,2000

Why Are You So Sad? A Child’s book about Parental Depression by Beth Andrews (Illustrated By Nicole Wong), Magination Press, 2002

Why are You so Scared? A child’s Book about Parents with PTSD by Beth Andrews (illustrated by Katherine Kirtland),Magination Press,2011


A familys Heartbreak
Founded by a father, Michael Jefferies, this site provides information, advice and support for parents who have suffered alienation from their chlildern.

Bill Of Rights for Childern in Divorce and Dissolution Actions
Here is the fulll text of the Bill of Rights for Childern in Divorce & Dissolution actions from chapter 1.

Café Smom
Created By Heather Hetchler, a co-parenting mom of four and custodial stepmom of two, this site offers helpful tips and encouragement of “smoms” experiencing the challenges and joys of step family life.

Center for Education on Parential Alienation
This site offers a vateity of resources to help co-parents identify signs of and create strategies with parential alienation.

Co-parenting 101
We created this blog to offer support, encouragement, and practical advice to those parenting across households after a divorce or breakup.

Through this site, you can find a divorce recovery support group in your area, as well as books and CDS about divorce for adults and childern.

Family Court Services of the Third Judicial District of Idaho
This site features multiple downloadable documents useful to co parents writing a parenting plan.

Grit and Glory
Here Alece Ronzino, whosehusband’s infidelity led to the end of their marriage, blogs about starting life over.

Magination Press
The American Psychological association’s Magination Press publishes accessible self-help picture books, workbooks, and middle school and teen readers for kids and the adults who love and support them. The books adress a wide range of psychological as well as everday concerns such as bulling, mental and phsyical illness in families, parental substance abuse, self-esteem and step families.

Parental Alienation Help
This site offers research, workbooks for parents, and other resources to increase awareness and understanding of parental alienation.

The Phoenix Ritual
The website New Life After Divorce makes available for free this series of recovery exercises.

Postcards from a Peaceful Divorce
Molly Monet is a co-parenting mom who hopes to inspire others by blogging about her postdivorce experiences, including her comittment to a peaceful parenting partnership.

Since My Divorce
Mandy Walker offers this blog as a forum for women to share stories of learning, growth and rebuilding,

Single Dad
Richard “RJ” Jaramillo’s site features an interactive social network, along with advice and refferals, for single dads.

Despite the nbame, this is a resource for both sngle moms and single dads. Site founders Rachel Sarah and Dr.Leah Klungness welcome and answer questions from parents on a range of topics including dating, co-parenting, and money matters.

The Smart Divorce
This is the website of Deborah Moskovitch, who provides private coaching and other resources for those looking to make smart decisions about divorce or about the next chapter in their lives.

This Cuckoo’s Nest
A  mom who shares a house with their ex-husband and their childern blogs candidly here about “nesting”

When The Flames Go Up
This is a shared blog written by co-parents Doug French and Magda Pesceyne, who are divorced from each other. The blog offers a close look into their parenting partnership.

Women’s & Community Services In Ontario
Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 1-866-863-0511
Distress Centres of Toronto: 416-408-4357
Kid’s Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
Distress Centers of Toronto: 416-408-4357
Telehealth Ontario: 1-866-797-0000

Sexual Assault Help (24-Hour)
Scarborough Hospital Sexual Assault/ Dmestic Violence Care Centre: 416-495-2555
Sexual Assault/Rape Crisis Centre of Peel 905-273-9442
Women’s College Hospital Sexual Assault & Domestic Vilence Care Centre 416-323-6040

Women’s Shelters (24-Hour)
Nellie’s Shelter(Toronto): 416-461-1084
The Redwood Shelter(Toronto): 416-533-5838
YWCA Arise Shelter (Toronto): 416-533-8538

519 Church St. Community Centre: 416-392-6874

Counselling & Family Services
Barbra Schlifer Clinic (Toronto): 416-323-9149
Familly Service Association of Toronto: 416-595-9230
Native Child and Family Services of Toronto: 416-969-8510

Health & Sexual Wellness
Sherbourne Health Centre(Toronto): 416-324-4157
Sudbury and District Health Unit : 705-522-9200
Women’s Health in Women’s Hands(Toronto): 416-593-7655

Important Websites: (Ontario Women’s Health Network) (Ontario Women’s Justice Network) (Ontario Network of Sexual Assault/Domestic Vilence Treatment Centres) (Info for Newcomers) Listing of shelters)

Author: Sheldon Tenenbaum - Sheldon is a general practitioner at Tenenbaum & Solomon practicing primarily in the areas of Family Law, Civil Litigation, Real Estate, and Criminal (Mental Health). To learn more about the law firm, please visit